Legal technology group Estatesearch has officially launched a new subsidiary company called Estatesure.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Estatesure now provides an innovative range of insurance services, offering indemnity cover for a variety of situations which may arise during estate administration and distribution including a robust solution to insuring unoccupied property without the requirement for inspection.

Ben Furlong, Managing Director, Estatesearch explains: “Our legal clients had told us that unoccupied properties can be more difficult to insure, attracting higher premiums or more onerous conditions that they need to adhere to ensure ongoing cover. Often frequent property inspections are required and the cost of employing an agent to complete these checks on a regular basis can prove costly for the estate.
“We identified a genuine gap in the market to support our legal clients and so we set up Estatesure to offer an intermediary service for the provision of probate related insurance, with a range of other policies available.
Estatesearch is an appointed representative of Estatesure which means policies are now available to order through the company’s free, secure online portal along with Estatesearch’s range of other reports, or offline policies can be ordered by contacting Estatesure’s dedicated helpdesk.
Christopher Poxamatis, Partner, Gillhams Solicitors explains: “Estatesearch’s unoccupied property insurance is helpful. With other insurance companies, weekly or fortnightly agent property visits can quickly mount in cost. However, while we would continue to ensure the property is checked regularly, with Estatesearch’s unoccupied property insurance, such frequent visits are not required.”
Estatesure also offers policies for early distribution and no Section 27, alongside insurance for missing Wills, beneficiaries and share certificates. For further information about our robust insurance solutions for probate professionals please see: